Episode 6 Part 2 – Marketing to an Invisible Audience

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In this Episode of TransferTALK, Jay talks to Ryan Morabito, Senior Advisor/Strategist at 5° Branding. Ryan is well known as a marketing guru in higher education. You may know him from his Marketing Truth posts on LinkedIn that start with sharp insights and end with “This is the Way”! Ryan was asked to be on the show for two reasons: one he’s an out of the box marketer and two his creativity might help in this challenging conversation about Marketing to an Invisible Audience – that is communities of transfers, adult learners, and “Dormant Degree Seekers” – those people with college credit but have not reengaged the higher ed system to complete their degree. Research has shown there are more than 40 million prospective students in that category – but they are not immediately identifiable to colleges and universities. Jay and Ryan talk through what Ryan calls his Ten Truths of Marketing for some strategies that can help identify, recruit, and service an invisible but essential audience.

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