Transfer Friendly Universities Enroll More Students

DegreeSight allows your University staff to support larger, prospective student populations while minimizing the complexity of today’s articulation and program requirements.

Many people’ve asked what we use for transfers, and I tell them that DegreeSight solves our problem and doesn’t create any new work for our staff. The best thing about DegreeSight is that it is transparent… And the more transparent you can be, the better.

–Vice President of Enrollment

Respond faster, and win more leads


Students enter transcript data in minutes and submit to you in real-time.

auto-approved by articulations

Preload your articulation agreements, and speed up your workflow.

live chat

Chat directly with prospective students coming through the site. Use our chat, or embed your own!

Put a dollar amount on it!

Share an estimate on the value of the students transfers, updating in real time with each credit approved!

Integrated with
your CRM

Push Leads, Events, and Notes into your CRM in real time!

personalized branding and URL

Maintain your brand’s look and feel by changing the logo, url, background image, and text.

Easy configuration & onboarding.

Concerned about loading your articulations? No problem!
One of our Implementation Specialists can help – send us your spreadsheets, PDFs, word docs, or whatever else is being used today, then we’ll take care of the rest!

See How DegreeSight is Helping Top Universities

Automate and Streamline the Credit Evaluation Process

Increase Credit Evaluation Volume without Increasing Staff

Engage with Prospective Students with a Personalized Solution

Schedule a demo to learn how DegreeSight can help your University become transfer friendly


Our Success Specialists will have you up and running
so fast it’ll make your head spin!

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